Supporting consumers to make informed choices about their aged care options

Consumers will soon be able to make more informed choices about their aged care options with a star rating system to be available towards the end of 2022.  The star rating programme will apply to all residential aged care services and will be based on measurable indicators of quality along with available data.

The Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety highlighted the need for service quality information to be available for people looking for aged care services.  By publishing star rating details online, senior Australians, families, friends, and carers will be provided access to information to compare services and make informed choices on care options.

Residential aged care services will be provided with an overall star rating, as well as a rating against four sub-categories:

  1. Five quality indicators
  2. Service compliance ratings
  3. Consumer experience
  4. Staff care minutes

The five existing quality indicators will account for 15% of the overall score and will include the facility’s information on; pressure injuries, physical restraint, unplanned weight loss, falls and major injury and medication management.

In the latest residential care sector performance report – Jan-March 2022, medication administration and management rated third in the quarter’s top 10 most frequent complaint issues provided by consumers, families and interested persons. When reviewing provider performance over the same period, medication management in the form of Infection risk management 3(3)(g) and appropriate prescribing was highlighted as the second most frequently cited requirement in a Notice to Agree. Similarly, Infection risk management 3(3)(g) and antibiotic prescribing was listed as the second most frequently cited requirement in a Sanction.

These results highlight that there is still much work to be undertaken in this area.

One way to improve your consumer’s medication management experience and assist in decreasing consumer complaints is to review how medications are managed in your service. Start by asking if your current system is delivering on all aspects of medication management, such as:

  • Prescribing
  • Dispensing
  • Administrating
  • Stock control
  • Ordering
  • Legislative and compliance requirements.

If you need further support in any of these areas, start your journey with BESTMED. As a conformant eNRMC electronic medication management solution, BESTMED can assist you in reaching your goals in the upcoming Star Rating programme coming to aged care services. But more importantly, we are focused on helping you to improve the health and well-being of senior Australians in your care through medication management.

BESTMED is Australia’s favourite eNRMC medication management provider. We support over 420 of Australia’s leading aged care providers and over 40,000 residents. For more information on how we can assist your facility, contact


Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission Sector performance report – Jan-March 2022

Dept of Health and Aged Care: Star ratings for residential aged care


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