BESTMED CONNECT BESTMED enlists families to improve medication management BESTMED announces the release of its BESTMED Connect module that adds a new safety net for managing medications in elderly...
HOME CARE Safer, easier, better medication management BESTMED is launching its latest software product – BESTMED for Home Care. A purpose-built solution for home care providers to increase medication...
CLINICAL ADVISORY PANEL Guiding a safer and easier future We are pleased to announce the appointment of our BESTMED Clinical Advisory Panel. This expert panel will play a key...
HOME CARE SOLUTIONS Cloud-based medication software for care workers and pharmacists. BESTMED seamlessly connects home care providers to pharmacists and care workers with cloud-based medication lists to drive efficiencies...
BESTMED Connect Connecting loved ones. Keep loved ones informed about a resident’s medication communication. Easily confirm consent to reduce complaints and improve safety. Introducing BESTMED Connect, a medication record...
AGED CARE SOLUTIONS Seamless, cloud-based connection to doctors and pharmacies. BESTMED’s end-to-end medication management network seamlessly connects aged care facilities to clinicians and prescribers with cloud-based medication records and...
AGED CARE TECHNOLOGIES Technology Trends That Matter Technology has become an integral part of daily life, and its significance in aged care is equally paramount. At the 2024 BESTMED...
WHERE IS IT TAKING US The Future of Medication Management Back in 2018 when pandemics were largely spoken about in the future tense, Australia signed up to a World...
FIRST THE CARROT NOW THE STICK Govt to tighten electronic medication management in aged care With over 70% of residential aged care providers now relying on electronic residential medication...
SACHET CHECKING MACHINES Optimise the service you deliver to your clients. Integrating one of BESTMED’s sachet checking machines will transform your pharmacy operations by decreasing overheads, minimising manual errors...