Seamless, cloud-based connection to doctors and pharmacies.

BESTMED’s end-to-end medication management network seamlessly connects aged care facilities to clinicians and prescribers with cloud-based medication records and charts to enhance consumer care.


Best-in-class technology.

Implementing BESTMED’s industry leading technology ensures your consumers get the right medication in the right dose at the right time and in the right route. Your primary care team has access to real-time, easy-to-view records for each consumer:

  • Medication management plans
  • Diagnoses
  • Allergy information

And with BESTMED’s consumer profiles connecting directly to doctors, clinicians and pharmacies, you’ll be able to access charting, and instantaneously communicate updates – anywhere, anytime.


Supporting Over 100,000 Consumers

As Australia’s leading medication management network for nearly a decade, BESTMED partners with aged care providers, to help you provide enhanced consumer care.

Electronic Medication Records

Maintain and generate transcription-free, single source of truth medication management records that connect and communicate between clinical staff, doctors, clinicians and pharmacies.

Better Medication Administration

An easy-to-use interface for clinician or pharmacist administration notes, data capture for missed medications, missed signatures, and the timeliness of medication rounds.

Improved Clinical Safety

Access rich data insights on potential consumer harm, including polypharmacy and medication use, psychotropic medication and restrictive practice. View antimicrobial indications, durations and pathology, and reporting on PRN usage.

Electronic Charting

Use any device to update electronic charts including lapsing prescriptions, follow-up consultations, review consumers’ medication charts, and decision support to doctors and clinicians about medication interactions.

Safety & Flexibility

Follow best practice safety with the flexibility to tailor medication rounds to consumer, doctor and clinician preferences. Live alerts and updates keep your care team up to date on consumer medications and changes.

Support Governance

Data analysis and reports for Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission (ACQSC), National Quality Indicator Program (NQIP), unannounced assessment visits and accreditation, and Serious Incident Response Scheme (SIRS).

Staff Efficiencies

An easy-to-use interface for care staff, clinician or pharmacist administration notes, data capture for missed medications, highlighting missed signatures, and the timeliness of medication rounds.

Real-time Oversight

Support transparency and productivity on medication management across clinical staff, facility management, clinical governance and MAC committees, to provide senior leadership with improved oversight.

More Consumer Contact

Allow greater focus on your consumers by minimising administrative workload across medication rounds, eliminating manual transcription of notes and instructions, and real-time clarification of requirements and auditing,

Streamline medication management. Improve consumer outcomes.

BESTdose improves aged care consumer outcomes by simplifying and automating medication management in residential facilities. With greater visibility of medications standardisation, adherence to prescribing, and medicine administration, staff will have more time to focus more on consumer care.

Our medication management technology enhances over 500 residential aged care facilities across Australia.

  • Enhanced medication monitoring
  • Enhanced medication monitoring
  • Reduced human error risk

You can download a copy of our brochure here.


Better Compliance & Consumer Safety

Introducing BESTtrack

Best gets better withe BESTtrack - a secure electronic controlled drugs register. Streamline pharmacy operations and migrate your controlled drug register away from paper to increase security and minimise errors.

Better Than Compliant

As Australia’s favourite eNRMC medication management solution, BESTMED supports aged care by using automation, intelligence and technology to deliver safer medication management practices and improved consumer outcomes.

Ready to get started?

Book a demo with one of our clinical specialists to discover how BESTMED can ready your organisation for the future.